Framework for Trustee Inductions
Small charities often don’t provide an induction for new trustees. A trustee induction is a worthwhile investment for both the charity and its trustees to provide a framework for both the role and the organisation. It’s even more vital for anyone for whom this is their first time as a trustee. Whilst an induction is primarily for new trustees, it may be helpful to provide a session for all trustees, especially if the trustee induction is a new initiative.
Every new trustee will come with a different level of experience about the role and the organisation. Every charity is different, so this framework needs to be tailored for your charity. It has been written for a UK audience but could be used as a starting point for use in other countries.
For many people the prospect of an hour listening to someone talk about governance is not inspiring! So look for ways to make it interactive and if possible fun:
I find competitive quizzes in teams livens things up considerably.
It’s worth considering breaking the induction down into several short sessions, possibly 15-20 minutes before or at the start (not the end) of a board meeting ie while energy is high.
Aims of a trustee induction
To give a basic understanding of the role of a charity trustee
To provide information about the charity and its governance
To understand what the charity and its trustees are empowered to do
To identify/agree some guidelines for practical operation
To flush out questions that trustees may have
To enable the trustees to have a common understanding and work well together for the success of the charity
Suggested Trustee Induction Session Content
This downloadable PDF can be used to develop your own tailored version of a trustee induction programme.
1. The organisation
Vision, mission and values
Legal structure:
registered charity; charitable incorporated organisation, charitable company, trust or unincorporated association;
trustees, members
Governing documents: CIO constitution or Memorandum & Articles of Association; objects and powers
Strategy and programmes
Properties and assets
Public benefit
2. The trustee role
Responsibilities (ref Charity Commission guidance The Essential Trustee)
Other expectations of trustees/roles & responsibilities for particular trustees.
See sample Trustees’ Training handout below.
3. Trustees, trustee meetings & policies
How we operate: agendas, meetings, minutes, terms of office, reviewing trustee skills mix
Board policies eg reserves policy; conflicts of interest; risk management;
4. Finances
Budget cycle & approval
Sources of funding and fundraising
Regular accounts & how to interpret them
Financial management: monitoring and forecasting
Annual (statutory) accounts: audit or independent inspection; trustees report; understanding the statement of financial activities and balance sheet and how to interpret them
Financial issues for Board members to monitor
Levels of authority
5. Any questions?
NB Interactive quizzes in teams can be a fun and competitive way to help trustees absorb governance information. The PDF below has some sample questions or you can develop your own.
Suggested Trustees Induction Pack Contents
This downloadable PDF can be used to develop your own tailored version of the contents for an induction training pack for trustees.
This may form part of a board or governance handbook or electronic folder. There are likely to be several stand-alone documents. Items 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11 are the most important to provide.
Trustee training handout (see below)
Organisation structure
Governance document eg Memorandum and Articles of Association or CIO Constitution.
Strategic plan (including vision, mission and values)
Latest annual report & financial statements
Latest management accounts
Twelve steps to understanding accounts (see Signposts below)
Fundraising case for support
Schedule of polices
Summary risk register
Charity Commission The governance jigsaw & 6 main duties https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/544220/Jigsaw.pdf
Charity Commission The Essential Trustee CC3 & CC3a https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/704641/CC3_may18.pdf and https://www.gov.uk/guidance/charity-trustee-whats-involved
Charity Commission 15 Questions trustees should ask https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/569550/15_questions_trustees_should_ask.pdf
Board skills matrix form to complete & return: see PDF at https://www.helensheadlines.net/a-board-skills-matrix
Companies House AP01 information for new company director’s online completion by company secretary https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/appoint-a-director-ap01
Suggested Trustees Training Handout
This downloadable PDF can be used to develop your own tailored version of a trustee training handout.
As a trustee you should:
Be clear about the role & responsibilities of a trustee and the board. This is a governance not a management role.
Understand the organisation: it’s governing document, vision, values, strategy, finances, assets, risk register and policies and be supportive of it.
Attend and prepare well for all meetings and follow through promptly on any actions.
Pray regularly for the organisation and its people.
Ask questions and be willing to challenge robustly but graciously.
Together with other trustees:
Set, monitor and review the charity’s strategic aims, objectives & direction.
Take ultimate responsibility for ensuring the charity is solvent and well run.
The main duties of trustees (as stated by the Charity Commission) are:
Ensure the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit
Comply with the charity’s governing document and the law
Act in the charity’s best interests
Manage the charity’s resources responsibly
Act with reasonable care and skill
Ensure the charity is accountable
The key documents to refer to are:
The governing document (Constitution, Memorandum & Articles of Association or Trust Deed)
Strategic plan including vision, mission and values
Annual report and financial statements (accounts)
Risk register
The Governing Document
This is the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Constitution or Trust Deed. Whilst the chair and company secretary should take the lead in ensuring that all practice follows the governing document, all trustees should be aware of the following key points:
What the charity can do & how it can use its income & property (objects & powers)
Limitation of trustee benefits
Liability of members
Indemnity of trustees and officers
Chair responsibilities and appointment
Delegation & committees
Trustee meetings & decisions: notice; quorum; conflicts of interest
Trustees & appointment: minimum & maximum number of trustees, duration of trustee term & maximum number of terms
Members of the charity if they exist as a separate group from trustees
General meetings & resolutions
Minutes, accounts, winding up & other points
It may be helpful for subsequent reference to write the relevant article numbers on this list or to highlight these sections on your own paper or electronic copy of the governing document
HH: A well-tuned board: great governance for small charities
HH: A schedule of charity policies.
The Essential Trustee Charity Commission publication CC3 & CC3a. NB 6 main duties https://www.gov.uk/guidance/charity-trustee-whats-involved
Charity Commission 15 questions
Charity Commission CC 25 Finance Essentials
Charity Commission Fundraising Guidance CC20
Fundraising Regulator code of practice
Taken on Trust
Stewardship https://www.stewardship.org.uk/resources/briefing-papers provides a variety of relevant briefing papers for trustees and generic training courses on the role of trustees https://www.stewardship.org.uk/events/training-for-trustees
Companies House https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/trustee-recruitment-selection-and-induction-rs1 provides insights from a corporate perspective ie where the charity is also a company limited by guarantee.
National Council for Voluntary Organisations www.ncvo-vol.org.uk provides secular training courses on the role of trustees.
Author and copyright: Helen Calder 2019.
This resource has been peer reviewed.