About Helen

Helen Calder is the author of Helen's Headlines. She is a British business graduate with 12 years experience in the glass and brewing industries, where she rose to a senior management level. At one point she was the most senior woman in an organisation of 6,000 employees. As part of a calling to use her business skills in the Christian sector Helen studied theology at St John's College, Nottingham, specialising in pastoral care of the dying and bereaved. She has a passion for effective management in Christian organisations and for getting the right balance between faith and sound financial management.
Helen was part of the ministry team at All Souls Church, Langham Place as director of administration from 1991 to 1999. She then worked for the UK Evangelical Alliance as executive director: finance and services until 2016. In these roles her responsibilities included finance, HR, IT, facilities, team management, programme management, governance, risk and crisis management, as well as being a member of the leadership team and company secretary.
Helen now has a part time portfolio under the banner of Calder's Consultancy: Sharing 40 years' experience to equip charities, churches and individuals. She mentors women in leadership roles, trains charity trustees and writes resources. She has developed and runs the Retiring Well course for those preparing for retirement.
Helen has been an trustee of several charities and a PCC member (parochial church council) of three Anglican churches in the UK. She is an associate of Faith in Later Life (www.faithinlaterlife.org)
Helen's interests include giving hospitality, walking, reading, opera at Glyndebourne, test match cricket and wine tasting. She is actively involved in her local church and in building community where she lives.
Helen spent 4 months travelling in New Zealand in 2016/17 and a further 3 months in New Zealand in 2018/19.
Listen to Helen being interviewed about her life on Premier Radio by Simon Ward for the Worship at Home programme in December 2024 www.simonwardlondon.com/my-faith-at-work-podcasts/